
How Bchu Runway Works



Enjoy 50,000+ designer items from over 100+ top fashion brands and get free standard delivery anywhere you are without hassle.



Own your item and stand out in the crowd at a reasonable price. Your selected item belongs to you up to  4-8 days.



Send the item back to us by post or drop it at our showroom or use our express messenger service from anywhere you like.

How it works - Rent


Top Luxury Designers

  • Browse through our collection of contemporary and luxury items from both Thai and International designers.
  • You can filter them based on different occasions, brands and sizes.

Select Your Timeframe

  • You can choose either 4-day or 8-day rental.
  • Once you have selected the timeframe, please select the delivery dates you prefer.

Online Store and Our Showroom

  • You can rent an item through online booking or you can visit our showroom during the opening hours.
How it works - Wear


Easy Delivery and Pratical Use

  • You can select your delivery date and location as you like.
  • A 4-day rental should go like this:
  • Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4
    The item arrives at your doorTry it on, Mix & Match and try with accessoriesActual EventReturn the item
  • If you aren't comfortable with the item, please kindly contact us.
How it works - Return



  • Drop everything at the post, return at our showroom or we can fetch it anywhere from you.

Dry Cleaning

  • Our professional cleaning team will take care of dry cleaning for you.

Minor Stains or Damages

  • Any minor stains or damages are already covered in the insurance.